Tuesday 6 December 2011


I recently became a mother earlier this year and I find it difficult combining my profession/passion with being a new mum. I love being a new mummy but having the time to be creative can be very challenging. I feel like I have lost 2 years in my professional career. (1 year being pregnant - I know its only 9months but it feels like a year. Plus another year looking after my baby until I feel she's old enough for daycare).

In other ways, I feel inspired to start a children's line and I also feel like I better understand the needs for new mums. I was and I am still a size 8(thank God) but I feel my dress sense should be more responsible. (not that I was not responsible before but classy)

I love being referred to as a yummy mummy but I suddenly realize my tops revealed my torso and my dresses were too short. I now have a better perspective on the way women need and want to be dressed after childbirth (sexy but classy). I will still cater to the young non mums because I can still relate- minus belly tops :-)